Life Coaching
Existential Coaching

Do you find yourself procrastinating?
Do you have trouble finishing projects?
Do you need to find your MoJo / Motivation / Reason?
Are you trying to find the meaning of life, the reason for being?
Does it all seem so meaningless, yet you still participate?
Are you looking for Happiness? Or Fulfillment and growth? (or Both?)

Finding your WHY
The reasons we take any action are either desire or pain. In addition, the driving force that fuels our efforts, whether positive or negative, may include fear, curiosity, vanity, benevolence, greed, lust, pride, or even laziness (another word for efficiency).

Finding YOUR WHY is, therefore, the simplest solution to the problem.
The stronger your desire or pain, the greater your motivation becomes.

Staying Motivated
Combining conversational hypnosis (Ericksonian-style Interviewing) with Life Coaching is uniquely suited to help people connect, reconnect and stay focused on their goals. Re-focusing on the medium and long-term outcomes is essential to accomplishing tasks and staying motivated daily.

Let me show you how to create lasting change and disciplines that pay off in the long run.

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